Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The School of Management offers graduate instruction leading to the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) with emphases in Management of International Enterprises, Project Management, General Business, Healthcare Management, Computer Information System, and Accounting. Polytechnic University Miami Campus also offers graduate instruction leading to the degree of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) with five areas of specialization: Construction Management, Manufacturing Management, Environmental Management, General Engineering Management, and Project Management.

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Minimum Requirements

The MBA degree requires a minimum of 39 credit hours of graduate course work with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 system. No thesis or comprehensive exams are required. Polytechnic University Miami Campus will accept transfer of graduate credits from regionally accredited institutions.  The maximum amount of acceptable transfer credits, per program, is up to 18 credit hours.  Transfer of credits can be considered only for courses completed with a grade of “B” or better prior to admission to the University.  These credits must have been earned within ten years before the date of admission to the specific degree program.  No credits will be considered for courses completed elsewhere after admission to the University.

Academic Load

The minimum full-time load per term is six (6) for graduate students.  To register for nine (9) credit hours or more, the student must acquire the approval of the Department Director. The student must complete the following minimum requirements to earn the Master’s degree:   MASTER CORE COURSES (30 Credit Hours)

MGM 5500 Managerial Accounting   3
MGM 5700 Probability and Statistical  Methods   3
MGM 6070 Human Resource Management   3
MGM 6560 Management of Information Systems   3
MGM 6620 Managerial Finance   3
MGM 6690 Decision Making Techniques   3
MBA 5600 Managerial Economics   3
MBA 5700 Managerial Marketing   3
MBA 6830 Operations Management   3
MBA 6900 Strategic Management   3


MIE 7010 International Business Operations 3
MIE 7020 International Business Strategies 3
MIE 7110 International Finance 3
Total Concentration 9


This concentration allows the students to design their own program by selecting courses from any of the other two concentrations, to match their particular interests.  A total of 9 credits must be taken.


ACC 6500 Accounting Information Systems 3
ACC 6600 Advanced Auditing 3
ACC 6800 Advanced Financial  Accounting 3
Total Concentration 9


HCM 6500 Healthcare Management I 3
HCM 6600 Healthcare Management II 3
HCM 6800 Healthcare Ethics 3
Total Concentration 9


PJM 6500 Project Management: Initiation, Implementation and Termination 3
PJM 6600 Project Risk Management 3
PJM 6800 Project Procurement Solicitation 3
Total Concentration 9 


CIS 6605 Database Mgmt. Systems 3
CIS 6615 Software Engineering for Business 3
CIS 6705 Data Communications & Computer Networks 3
Total Concentration 9

ACC 6500 Accounting Information Systems

An introduction to accounting information systems (AIS) and the relationship of AIS to Management Information Systems. Includes analysis of hardware and software, system design and the systems development life cycle (SDLC) approach, database management systems (DBMS), internal control, flowcharting, data flow diagrams and their application to the accounting cycles (revenue, expenditure, conversion). Microsoft Access will be used to develop a basic system. Prerequisites: ACC 3330/3340 & MGM 6560 (3 credits)


ACC 6600 Advanced Auditing

A study of modern auditing techniques. Includes tools and techniques of risk assessment, the audit risk model and the audit plan. The implications and auditing of information systems and technology, GAAS and PCAOB standards, ethics and the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements. Prerequisites: ACC 3330/3340 & ACC 4320 (3 credits)


ACC 6800 Advanced Financial Accounting

A study of theory and techniques preparing consolidated financial statements, partnerships, foreign subsidiary accounting and non-profit accounting.

Prerequisites: ACC 3330/3340 (3 credits)


CIS 6605 – Data Base Management Systems

This course presents methodologies and principles of database design. The focus is on database architectures, logical modeling, the relational model, and database design process and techniques. Topics covered include the entity relationship model, the relational model, relational operators, integrity constraints, the SQL language, and data normalization. Also included are topics in distributed databases, objects-oriented databases, and security issues. (3 credits)


CIS 6615 – Software Engineering for Business

Basic concepts of software requirements generation and analysis, software design, structured design methodologies, data flow design, and programming of an engineering system and testing. (3 credits)


CIS 6705 – Data Communications and Computer Networks

Recent advances and new applications in the expanding field of computer networks and distributed systems are examined. The technical fundamentals, architecture, and design of computer networks and distributed systems are described. Strategies, tools, and techniques for network planning, implementation, management, maintenance, and security are delineated. Topics include ISDN, and ATM, the OSI model, transmission media, network operating systems, topologies, configuration protocols, and performance characteristics. Trends in standardization, internetworking, downsizing, and the development of local-networks (LANs), wide-area networks (WANs), metropolitan-area networks (MANs), and enterprise-wide networks are explored. (3 credits)


HCM 6500 Healthcare Management I

This course provides an overview of the history, structure and current perspectives of the US healthcare system. The course examines topics such as: cost, financing, access to healthcare, information management systems, public health and systems for delivery of healthcare are covered. (3 credits)


HCM 6600 Healthcare Management II

This course offers a global perspective on how the United States and other countries address issues of health and health care. The course reviews organizational principles, practices and the management of health service organizations. (3 Credits)


HCM 6800 Healthcare Ethics

This course discusses ethical issues in the healthcare field. Cases and a variety of topics related to the healthcare fieldare discussed. (3credits)


LSC 6600 Advanced Supply Chain Management

The distribution and logistics imperative is to achieve cost-containment while delivering customer satisfaction. Course examines how channel integration fosters the coordination, systemization needed to maximize efficiency and produces the greatest net value for the customer. Students explore how resource allocation and channel relationship decisions impact inventory, transportation, warehousing and operations within the organization.  (3 credits)


LSC 6800 Lean Enterprise

Course presents key concepts of Lean Enterprise with an emphasis on reducing waste and optimizing smoothness of work & material flow by applying multiple Lean tools.  Students will be presented with principles of value-stream mapping and improvement, standardized work, continuous process improvement tools and strategy, and other Lean Enterprise knowledge.  (3 credits)


MBA 5600 Managerial Economics                                                                         

Fundamentals of supply and demand, analysis of consumer behavior, analysis of production cost, main structures of the market place, brief introduction to linear programming of the economic systems, and development of economic concepts and macroeconomics.  (3 credits)


MBA 5700 Managerial Marketing                                                                         

The study of the strategic processes of creating time and place utilities.  It deals with how to identify customer’s needs, change those needs to wants, and sustain the desire of the particular product (service or good).  How this process can be applied to profit and non-profit organizations.  (3 credits)


MBA 6830 Operations Management                                                                     

This is a graduate course in manufacturing techniques.  In this course the student will become familiar with the tools, techniques, and types of manufacturing processes and with production planning, scheduling, and control.  Topics such as Inventory Control, Just-In-Time, TQM, and World Class Manufacturing will be discussed. Also, introduction to manufacturing systems such as factory layout, robotics, and manufacturing cells will be included.  (3 credits)


MBA 6900 Strategic Management

This course will be studied in the context of cases.  Mergers, acquisitions, international boundaries and global perspectives on a broad range of issues are explored.  The issues are addressed from the perspective of firms ranging in size from small companies to multinationals.  Prerequisite:  (Completion of MBA Core Courses).  (3 credits)


MEM 5600 Engineering Economic Analysis

This is a graduate course in engineering analysis emphasizing the planning and control of engineering economics, including manufacturing costs.  Project cost evaluation; interest rates, continuous compounding, present worth and capitalization are included. Rate of return, replacement analysis, cash flow diagrams, decision trees, and value engineering techniques are included.  (3 credits)


MEM 6110 Engineering Management I

Introduction to the elements of modern management and business practices.  This course is designed to provide students with the principles used by professionally trained managers to guide the typical industrial and business enterprise.   (3 credits)


MEM 6120 Engineering Management II

This course enables the students to gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of general business emphasizing their application in technological and scientific organizations.  The management process is broken down into: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.  Prerequisite:  MEM 6110.  (3 credits)


MEM 6170 Cost Estimating and Contracting

This course introduces the engineer to the fundamental principles that govern public enterprises such as government departments, state and municipal government, etc.  Probability and decision theory, as well as cost-effectiveness studies are introduced.  (3 credits)


MEM 6410 Construction Management

The management of construction is studied.  The course addresses planning, scheduling, controlling, and following different activities such as cost estimation, insurance, accounting, labor relations, etc.  The course is designed to help students gain a perspective of the construction industry.  (3 credits)


MEM 6420 Maintenance Management

This course is designed to help students gain a perspective regarding the maintenance of buildings, industries, and facilities management.  Administrative tools and methodology specific to maintenance activities are introduced.  Students learn how to manage money, equipment, materials, and personnel to carry out maintenance functions.  (3 credits)


MEM 6610 Productivity Management

This course introduces the engineer to the different approaches to Total Quality Management.  Throughout the course, various techniques are discussed, such as TQM, Crosby, Juran, and Deming philosophies.  The concepts of quality circles, zero defect, corrective action, Pareto analysis, and others are also discussed.  (3 credits)


MEM 6820 Business and Construction Law

Concepts of business law and construction law are discussed.  Zoning, codes, and construction litigation are also discussed. (3 credits)


MEM 6920 Environmental Engineering

This course introduces the student to the different methods of water purification for industrial use, waste, water treatment and disposal, air pollution control, and toxic waste management and disposal.  (3 credits)


MEM 6930 Energy and the Environment

Introduction to the supply and demand of energy resources, including petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, solar, wind, and ocean energy sources.  Conservation and efficient use of energy in different engineering activities are introduced.  (3 credits)


MEM 6200 Engineering Management Project

This is a project course that provides the opportunity to apply concepts and methods studied previously to the solution of problems in engineering administration.  Students work individually or in small groups on a number of projects approved by the instructor.  Prerequisite:  MEM 6120.  (3 credits)


MGM 5500 Managerial Accounting

This graduate course studies the financial and economic principles and techniques of decision making.  The role of decision criteria based on generally accepted accounting principles is explained in detail.  The student acquires the basic information needed by a manager to have control of the firm and achieve his objectives in an efficient manner.  (3 credits)


MGM 5700 Probability and Statistical Methods

The course explains various probability and statistical methods to sample, measure dispersion, skewness, and probability distributions.  Testing hypothesis, analysis of variance, linear regression, correlation, multivariable analysis, and time series analysis are introduced.  Case studies of quality control and engineering decisions are assigned and discussed.  (3 credits)


MGM 6070 Human Resource Management

Principles and methodology to manage Human Resources in scientific and technical enterprises.  Techniques for hiring, benefits, incentives, promotion, retention, development, etc. are discussed, emphasizing the human dimension.  Techniques for handling complaints, insubordination, and violations of regulations are introduced.  (3 credits)


MGM 6560 Management of Information Systems

Information systems designed to support management in the areas of finance, manufacturing, marketing databases, and data communication are introduced.  (3 credits)


MGM 6620 Managerial Finance

Financial concepts encountered in engineering situations are introduced based on the fact that they are an integral part of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling activities.  The financial cycle of budgeting, accounting, controlling and auditing is discussed.  Prerequisite:  MGM 5500.  (3 credits)


MGM 6690 Decision Making Techniques

This is a course where the scientific management methods for making decisions and solving administrative problems are explored.  Bayesian analysis, linear programming, and analysis of alternatives are discussed.  Strategic analysis, projections, forecasting, PERT, CPM, and other management techniques are introduced.  Prerequisite:  MGM 5700.  (3 credits)


MIE 7010 International Business Operations

This course examines the global environment, and reasons for the globalization of an organization.  Michael Porter’s diamond theory of international competitiveness is discussed, as well as the latest work on the theory of multinational enterprises. (3 credits)


MIE 7020 International Business Strategies

This course examines international business strategies using an integrated approach. Functional international strategies are explained in the context of actions taken by global companies in a variety of settings.  Foreign exchange and multinational strategies are covered.  (3 credits)


MIE 7110 International Finance

Financial concepts encountered in management situations are discussed.  Auditing, budgeting, funding, evaluation of alternatives and control of expenses are discussed.  (3 credits)


MKM 6500 Sales Management

The course present techniques for identifying, recruiting and training sales personnel.  In addition techniques for monitoring and controlling sales force are evaluated, including forecasting, budgeting, incentive and motivation programs are discussed.  (3 credits)


MKM 6600 Consumer Behavior

This course addresses the consumer motivation and decision making process in the selection of goods and services. Factors affecting purchasing decisions and customer satisfaction is analyzed, including buyer behavior to better understand customers and their needs. (3 credits)


MKM 6800 International Marketing

This course examines concepts, principles and international methodology to manage marketing activities that create an exchange that satisfies the individual customer across national borders. The study of the strategic processes and marketing mix across the globe is covered.  (3 credits)


MMT 6010 Management of Technology I

This course examines external environmental factors essential to managing organizations involved in new technologies. Considers the adoption of technologies and innovative processes.  The students develop skills in acquiring and interpreting information about the external environment to facilitate technology management.  (3 credits)


MMT 6020 Management of Technology II

This course analyzes the issues associated with resource management for a technology based firm.  This includes manufacturing technologies, information technologies, workforce and materials. (3 credits)


MMT 6030 Technical Enterprises

This course emphasizes the interface of technology with technical issues.  Emphasis is given to the spirit of enterprise, business incubators, and the government role.  (3 credits)


PJM 6500 Project Management: Initiation, Implementation and Termination

This course introduces project management fundamentals and principles from the perspective of a manager, who must organize, plan, implement and control non-routine activities to achieve schedule, budget and performance objectives.  Topics include project selection, organization and charters, planning, conflict and negotiation, budgeting, cost estimation, scheduling, monitoring, controlling, auditing, and termination.  (3 credits)


PJM 6600 Project Risk Management

This course addresses the important elements of risk management.  The coursework also explores the risk management processes outlined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide.  Topics include risk management planning, risk identification, risk analysis, development of appropriate responses, and risk monitoring and control.  (3 credits)


PJM 6800 Project Procurement and Solicitation

This course presents the major processes through which goods and services are acquired in the project management environment.  Topics include planning, solicitation, source selection, contract administration, and contract closeout.  (3 credits)