Welcome to

Financial Aid


Our mission is to provide students and their families with assistance to obtain the necessary funds to help them achieve their academic goals. With this in mind, the Financial Aid Office’s efforts are geared towards:
– Offering financial aid information to students and their families.
– Assisting students and their families to comply with the required documents.
– Determining eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid, and to put out notifications for offers of financial aid.
– Facilitating procedures to allocate financial aid in a timely manner.



The United States Congress is providing aid to higher education due to the impact of COVID-19, including $14 billion in the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, which was divided largely based on enrollment. students who qualify for the Pell Grant. The purpose of this federal program is to help cover expenses related to campus closure and the transition of students from in-person to remote learning.

Changes in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

As a result of the ratification of the Budget Control Act of 2011, the Direct Loan Program will make the following changes as of July 1st, 2012:
Professional or graduate students will not be eligible to receive subsidized loans from the Direct Loan Program.
Incentives for timely repayments (reduction of the interest rate or originating fee) will be terminated.

FAFSA 2024-25

Dependency status (determining whether you are a Dependent or Independent student for FAFSA purposes)

Your dependency status determines whose information you must report when you fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form.

  • If you are a dependent student, you will report your and your parents’ information.
  • If you are an independent student, you will report your own information (and, if you are married, your spouse’s).


Dependent or Independent

Your answers to questions on the FAFSA® form determine whether you are considered a dependent or independent student.


Personal Circumstance Questions to Determine Dependency Status on the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form

Here are the questions that determine your dependency status for the 2024–25 school year.

Were you born before January 1, 2001?



As of today, are you married? (Answer “No” if you are separated but not divorced.)



At the beginning of the 2024–25 school year, will you be working on a master’s or doctorate program (such as an M.A., MBA, M.D., J.D., Ph.D., Ed.D., graduate certificate, etc.)?



Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training? (If you are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee, are you on active duty for other than state or training purposes?)



Are you a veteran of the U.S. armed forces?



Do you have children or other people (excluding your spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you now and between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025?



At any time since you turned age 13, were you an orphan (no living biological or adoptive parent)?



At any time since you turned age 13, were you a ward of the court?



At any time since you turned age 13, were you in foster care?



Are you or were you a legally emancipated minor, as determined by a court in your state of residence?



Are you or were you in a legal guardianship with someone other than your parent or stepparent, as determined by a court in your state of residence?



At any time on or after July 1, 2023, were you unaccompanied and either (1) homeless or (2) self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?



Answered “Yes” to One or More of the Questions Above

If so, then for federal student aid purposes, you are considered an independent student and will not be required to provide information about your parents on the FAFSA form.


Answered “No” to Every Question

If so, then for federal student aid purposes, you are considered a dependent student, and you must provide information about your parents when you fill out the FAFSA form.

Contributors (based on your dependency, whose and which information will be required for FAFSA purposes)


If you answered “No” to every dependency question, you must include the information of the following contributors, depending on the situation:

  • Student
  • Married or unmarried biological parents who live together – The income and assets of both parents must be included.
  • Divorced/separated parents who have not remarried – The income and assets of the parent who has provided more than half of the student’s support must be included. (The length of time the student has lived with each parent during the last 12 months before filing the FAFSA application is NO LONGER a criterion in cases of divorced or separated parents.)
  • Parents have remarried – Upon determining which of the parents provides more than half of the student’s support, that parent’s income and assets and those of their spouse must be included (even if a prenuptial agreement has been signed).


If you answered “No” to one or more dependency questions, you must include the information of the following contributors, depending on the situation:

  • Student
  • Spouse – If the student is married, the information of their spouse´s income and assets must be included.


*All contributors will be required to have an FSA ID and provide consent to have their federal tax information (FTI) transferred by the IRS through Direct Data Exchange (DDX), to have their tax data used to determine a student´s eligibility for federal aid, and to allow the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to share their tax information with higher education institutions and state agencies. Once consent is provided for an award year, it cannot be revoked for the rest of that award year. This consent is necessary even if the taxpayer does not have an SSN, did not file taxes, or filed taxes abroad. If any of the contributors refuses to provide consent, the student is ineligible for federal aid.

What do students and/or their parents need to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA application?


Dependent students will need the following:

  • Create their FSA ID credentials at
  • Their Social Security number, full name, date of birth, email address, and/or permanent resident number, mailing address, mobile phone number, high school information.
  • Income earned in 2022 (2022 tax returns, Form W-2, and/or Form 1040).
  • Their parents´ information: Social Security numbers, full names, dates of birth, and email addresses.

The parents of dependent students need the following:

  • Create their FSA ID credentials at
  • Their Social Security number, full name, date of birth, email address, and/or permanent resident number, mailing address, mobile phone number.
  • Income earned in 2022 (2022 tax returns, Form W-2, and/or Form 1040).

Independent students will need the following:

  • Create their FSA ID credentials at
  • Their Social Security number, full name, date of birth, email address, and/or permanent resident number, mailing address, mobile phone number, high school information.
  • Income earned in 2022 (2022 tax returns, Form W-2, and/or Form 1040).
  • Their spouse´s information (if married): Social Security number, full name, date of birth, and email address.

Other information required from students and/or their parents:

  • Child support income received
  • Current cash on hand, checking and savings account balances
  • Current value of investments, businesses, and agricultural production farms

Services to help you complete your FAFSA application

Student Integrated Service Center (CESI)

Service Hours:
Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


A student loan is an interest loan granted to a student to help him/her pay for college studies. The student must repay the loan after completing or terminating his/her studies. These loans are guaranteed by the Federal Department of Education of the U.S..

Student Loan Programs

Subsidized Stafford Loans: This is a loan in which interest is paid by the Federal Government as long as the student remains enrolled for at least half-time (6 undergraduate credits or 3 graduate credits). The eligible amount is determined by taking into account the contribution by the student’s family and their financial needs.
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan: This is a loan in which interest is paid by the student from the moment the loan is disbursed. The eligible amount is determined by taking into account the student’s financial aids. The family’s contribution is not taken in consideration to determine the student’s eligibility.
Federal PLUS Loans for Parents: These are loans for parents of dependent students who are coursing undergraduate studies. The parent’s eligibility for this loan is determined based on his/her credit history. Repayments for this loan begin 60 days after the last disbursement. The amount requested may not exceed the student’s need.

Federal Work Study Program

The Federal Work Study Program is a self-help program that allows students to earn money by working part-time during their time off from studying. Students may work in the Polytechnic University facilities or within the community.
This program is funded by the federal government. These funds are available for students who, whether they have already obtained an undergraduate degree or not, prove to have financial insufficiency and comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.
During the selection of eligible students, priority is given to those who prove to have a greater financial insufficiency and who demonstrate interest for the FWSP in their Pell Grant application.
Priority will also be given to students who are pursuing their first Bachelor’s degree.
Selected students are placed for work in one of the multiple student services departments in the institution. Maximum work hours in a week depend on the funds assigned to this program. Hourly wages may not be less that the federal minimum, and wages earned will be paid out on a monthly basis. Some students may be assigned to community work outside the university facilities.
To apply to participate in the FWSP, please log into MyPoly and select the Financial Aid tab. You will find the application link in the Federal Work Study section.

Student Loan Programs

The institutional work and study program provides regular students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program with the opportunity to work at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. The university recognizes, fosters and promotes the significant educational value in acquiring professional experience, which is part of our academic program to complement and reinforce our academic goals.
All regular students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in PUPR will be eligible to participate in the Work and Study Program. Students may be recommended by the Director of the department where the student would be hired. The Director should take into account the following criteria to recommend a student:
– Nature of the job
– Student’s sense of responsibility and punctuality
– Student’s availability to work
– Student’s capacity for implementation
– Term of employment
– The hourly rate is the federal minimum, and wages will be paid once a month
– The student will be evaluated by his/her supervisor It is the responsibility of the student to sign the Daily Attendance Log, which should be used by the supervisor to corroborate the hours worked for Payroll. Wages earned will be paid once a month.

Verification Process

In Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, the following Institutional Student Information Reports (ISIR) will be subject to the verification process: those singled out by the Department of Education (by the EFC), and those where there is an apparent discrepancy between the information submitted in the application and the documents used for the verification (according to the Code of Federal Regulations, 34 CFR Part 668.16 (F)). The Verification Process will be applied in all Financial Aid Programs.
Only applications with all the required documents will be processed. These applications will be processed via the Federal Government Electronic Pell System (EDExpress).
If a student is selected for the verification process, he/she must submit the income evidence and the Verification Worksheet used to file for the Pell Grant. The student will be asked to submit evidence on verifiable items.

1. Family unit (will be verified against the Verification Worksheet).

2. Individuals enrolled in a college institution (will be verified against the Verification Worksheet).

3. Adjusted gross income, or income as per filed income tax documents.

4. Determined contribution.

5. Number of exemptions.

6. Non-taxable income and benefits:
— Social Security benefits (SA 1099 form)
— Maintenance (will be verified against divorce sentence, court certification and/or maintenance itemization).
— Food vouchers (evidence from the Department of Family Affairs is required)
— Veteran benefits
— Unemployment (evidence from the Department of Labor is required)
— Non-taxable maintenance
— Family contribution
— Payments to IRA account
— Exclusion of foreign revenue
— Other non-taxable income

In addition to verifying all these items, the Financial Aid Office reserves the right to request any additional documentation to resolve information conflicts.

In processing applications for financial aid, if the institution finds any file selected for verification lacking the necessary documents to complete this process, or missing any additional documents, the student will be notified in writing or via phone and/or e-mail. No Pell Grant or Bank Loan disbursements will be made, nor will a student be employed under the Federal or Institutional Work and Study Programs, until all documentation is complete and accurate.

– All students must provide the required information and documents in order to be eligible to receive funds from the Financial Aid Programs.

– If the dependent status of an applicant (dependent or independent) for the Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), or the Federal College Work Study (FCWS) changes during the academic year, or if the application for financial aid is incorrect in this aspect, the applicant will have to amend his/her application to reflect this change. The exception to this rule is when the status changes because the student gets married.

– The student must certify or update the number of people who will course college studies during the academic year in question. This must be done when submitting the Student Aid Report (SAR).

The student is responsible for any overpayment received.

A message from our director

Sergio Villoldo

Bienvenido dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est ultricies. Nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Tempor orci eu lobortis elementum.semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.

Nuestro equipo


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García


Horacio García

Office of

Financial aid

Teléfono: (787) 622-8000, ext. 105 y 249
Fax: (787) 754-5931
377 Ave Ponce de Leon,
San Juan, 00917
Lunes – Jueves: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Viernes: 8:00am – 12:00pm / 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Do you have any questions about the Financial Aid?

Please complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.

©PUPR 2024