Mission, Vision & Goals


Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico fosters learning, scholarship, and service in the core area of liberal arts, and in the professional fields of architecture, business, education, land surveying and engineering. PUPR’s character arises from its vision of teaching/learning, and service/outreach functions as independent, mutually supportive, and central to its mission and goals.
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico is a private, non-for-profit university providing access to education through its main campus in San Juan, PR, and branch campus in Miami and Orlando, FL. PUPR also works in partnership with the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic.

Our Mission

“The Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico provides opportunities to individuals from diverse backgrounds to cultivate their potential for leadership, productivity, and competitiveness with the aim of contributing to society.”

PUPR achieves its mission by serving individuals from different academic, economic, geographical, and ethnic contexts through exposure to intellectual, scientific, humanistic, and technological advancement, and by applying innovative methods of delivery.

Our Vision

The Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico will be recognized as a regional reference, in the formation of professionals in the areas of engineering, architecture, business administration, and related fields, committed to providing tangible solutions to the social challenges of our time. The institution will strive toward becoming a key catalyzer of the symbiotic relationship between the United States and Latin America.

Our Values

Excellence: We provide high-quality services to the university’s community by incorporating the best practices of higher education into our processes.

Integrity: We conduct ourselves with honesty, respect, and truthfulness in our thoughts, words, and actions within the institutional framework.

Social Responsibility: We assume the commitment to pursue the development of a fair and equitable society and the duty to protect the environment.

Innovation: We cultivate an attitude of continuous improvement in all our constituents to offer innovative solutions to the challenges faced by our society.

Diversity: We embrace the inclusion of people of different cultures, genders, races, preferences, and opinions that add different perspectives to our community.

Service: We promote a permanent attitude of collaboration and support towards every representative of the university environment.

Sustainability: We adopt practices that simultaneously promote quality of life, the conservation of natural resources, and the prosperity of our operations.

Strategic Goals

1. Developing a learner-centered culture that fosters student success (Academia).

2. Encouraging a Creativity, Innovation, Research, and Entrepreneurial ecosystem (Infrastructure).

3. Advancing an institutional comprehensive internationalization agenda (Globalization).

4. Expanding our community, industry, and government relations (Social Responsibility).

5. Strengthening our financial position, sustainability, and stewardship (Finance).

Institutional Learning Goals

By the time of graduation, PUPR graduates are expected to attain the following eight competencies:
  1. Effective Communication. Express ideas in oral, written, and graphic mode.
  2. Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning. Apply scientific and mathematical reasoning to the solution of problems.
  3. Critical Thinking. Interpret and question evidence, statements, and graphics, in order to draw justified, educated, reasonable and truthful conclusions.
  4. Technological Competence. Use technology and tools to gather, process and analyze information required to solve problems in the field of study.
  5. Information Literacy. Acknowledge, locate and evaluate the information needed to accomplish a specific purpose.
  6. Lifelong Learning. Recognize the need to engage in lifelong learning.
  7. Ethical and Social Responsibility. Be aware of ethical, professional and social responsibilities.
  8. Teamwork. Contribute to achieve team goals.

©PUPR 2024