Title IX is the US Federal regulation that protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states:
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
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Institutional Statement

One of the strategic goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico (UPPR) is to guarantee that in our university community everyone has equal opportunity to progress in their educational field. To this end, it is our commitment to continue promoting a message of equity, diversity and inclusion in our academic environment and culture. This Policy is promulgated to promote an environment of respect for diversity and the rights of members of the university community, and at the same time comply with the corresponding federal regulations.

What is Title IX?

One of the strategic goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico (UPPR) is to guarantee that in our university community everyone has equal opportunity to progress in their educational field. To this end, it is our commitment to continue promoting a message of equity, diversity and inclusion in our academic environment and culture. This Policy is promulgated to promote an environment of respect for diversity and the rights of members of the university community, and at the same time comply with the corresponding federal regulations.

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Title IX Coordinator

Rossana Emmanuelli Gutiérrez

Location: Office M- 103, Main, Building, first floor

Vice Presidency of

Enrollment Management and Student Services

Location: Main Building, first floor

Human Resources Office

Location: Main Building, first floor
For Emergency situations

UPPR Security Office

787-622-8000 ext. 111

Primera Ayuda Psicosocial / ASSMCA

PAS Helpline


Puerto Rico Police Headquarters:

©PUPR 2024