Graduate Certificate

Information Assurance and Security


This graduate certificate responds to a large need for certified professionals who not only have a knowledge on Computer Science, but who are also specialized in network and computer system security. Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET


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Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance and Security

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Learn from experts in their fields

What Will You Obtain with this Graduate Certificate?

With this Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance and Security, you will be able to:

  • identify threats that could affect information and data assets,
  • learn the principles, standards, and legal and ethical aspects related to virtual security,
  • apply laws, procedures and regulations, among other legal aspects,
  • and manage information security for all operational phases of a business.


The Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico was designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance and Cyber Defense (CAE/IAE) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Courses and Credits

  • Principles of Information Security 3
  • Data Networks Communications 3
  • Information Assurance 3
  • Contingency Plans 3
  • Audit of Information Systems and Security Operations 3
  • Laws, Investigation and Ethics 3

Admission Criteria

To apply for this program, you need:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences, or equivalent
  • Take preparatory courses if you do not have the necessary academic background


Our faculty is constituted by professionals with advanced Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences. Aside from having command over the theoretical aspects of the academic subjects, they also bring their professional experience to the classroom. This offers our students an academic edge, which will increase their possibilities of finding employment, even before graduating.

Laboratories and Equipment

In order to maintain the level of excellence that characterizes our institution, we have invested funds acquired by various federal agencies (DoD, DHS, DE) into extending our infrastructure and updating our research and educational equipment, which is available to faculty and students.

We have a series of laboratories, including the exclusive Cyber Digital Forensics Investigation Laboratory (CDFIL), a laboratory used for digital forensics investigation, featuring two FRED SC (Super Computers). This is the first commercially available Super Computer, optimized for massive parallel processing, with a total of up to 1,900 processors.

Gainful Employment

This disclosure of information about a gainful employment program will provide useful information to prospective students and their families. This is in accordance with provisions in 34 CFR 668.412, to enable students to make an informed choice about a gainful employment program by making the disclosures clear, timely, meaningful, and comparable. These disclosures will allow students to easily view the amount of student indebtedness incurred by students who completed the gainful employment program, the average costs of attending the program, percent of students completing the program within normal time, and job placement rates.

See disclosure


  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) –
  • Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico (CEPR) –

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