The Landscape Architecture Master degree at Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico provides a cutting-edge career opportunity, which is being considered one of the leading professions in the construction field worldwide. PUPR offers a graduate curriculum leading to the Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA), which requires thesis work. The MLA degree is accredited by the Landscape Architectural Board (LAAB). Individuals who hold an accredited Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or a pre-professional undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture or Architecture may pursue this Master’s degree with Advanced Placement.
At Polytechnic University’s Landscape Architecture Master’s degree Program, we strive to convey the humanistic, intelectual, creative, and technological traditions of the landscape architecture discipline to individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their profesional, academic, and personal goals, while enabling them to contribute to the wellbeing of their communities in the pursuit of a culture of sustainable living.
The program aims to challenge students with social, ecological, and global responsibilities, empowering them with profesional skills essential for inquiries, critical thinking, competent and creative engagement, and leadership through outstanding scholarship.
Our students excel at communicating their intentions and understandings, while applying newly acquired knowledge, and conveying technological skills, verbally and graphically.
Through the work and research of out students and alumni we seek to unveil and disseminate the history and growth of Landscape Architecture in our country. Concurrently the program contributes in writing the next chapter of the profession’s story while we advocate for a more sustainable future in our Island.
Graduate Profile
The graduate program intends to develop in the newly formed Landscape Architects, competence in areas of a social, environmental and aesthetic nature. We strive to encourage students to gain: an understanding of how individuals and groups respond to and affect their built and un-built environment; an awareness of the principles and theories that deal with environmental context, and the landscape architect’s responsibility with respect to global environmental issues; and, an understanding of ways in which different forms are successful or unsuccessful in satisfying programmatic, technical, accessibility and contextual objectives in a design proposal.
Students completing the LA degree will be able to acquire knowledge and skills in the:
• Assessment of past and contemporary landscape architecture forms, in light of theoretical tenets in order to be able to inform future changes.
• Dexterity and understanding of the research process required to guide or support a design practice.
• Understanding of the heterogeneity of urban, suburban and other conditions associated to the built milieu development, and how these conditions influence human and environmental growth, development and survival.
• Ability to integrate all skills and knowledge gained in positions of leadership at local, regional and international levels.
Admission Requirements
The first profesional degree (MLA III) option is for individuals who have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in any discipline, having obtained a mínimum GPA of 2.85/4.00, from an accredited institution. This program can grant Advanced Placement standing to students who have completed a pre-professional undergraduate degree in architecture, a Bachelor in Architecture (BArch), or a Master’s in Architecture (March) from an accredited institution. Applicants to the MLA AP degree must have completed a degree with a mínimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.85/4.00.
Applicants must meet the following general admission requirements to either curriculum, MLA III or MLA AP: a) submit a essay (1,200 words máximum in length) describing a local landscape architectural issue, accompanied by an image representative of said issue; and b) interview with the program director and/or admissions committee.
Applicants seeking Advanced Placement standing must submit a digital portfolio of work. The portfolio will entail up to a máximum of five (5) pages of design samples. Work samples need to address dexterity in design and design resolution and working knowledge of digital representation software such as AutoCAD and Photoshop. In addition, a copy of transcripts and completed courses must demonstrate the applicant’s dominion of fundamentals of design, site design, urban design, and architectural representation knowledge.
At Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico’s School of Landscape Architecture, we offer a first professional degree: Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA III) which is accredited by LAAB. The MLA III curriculum is structured for three (3) years duration.
As an accredited program by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB), we must provide reliable information to the public. Our program was initially accredited in 2011. In 2019 we received our second accreditation visit, where we were granted a provisional accreditation, and now we are expecting our next accreditation visit during Fall 2022.
For more information regarding LAAB accreditation status, visit: http://www.asla.org/AccreditationLAAB.aspx.
Degrees Awarded
Over the past eight (9) years, the Master’s Degree has graduated 34 students.

MLA Graduation Rates

Student Retention Rates

Student Enrollment

Student Admission

Admission numbers are recognized in the Academic Year instead of only Fall because the MLA program admits students each trimester. (Fall, Winter & Spring)
Costs of Enrollment
For the academic year 2021 – 2022, the estimated cost of tuition and fees is as follows for the master’s degree: MLA III – $19,440.
Costs for the degree programs remain the same for national and international students.
Self Evaluation Report for the Master of Landscape Architecture Degree
Degree Offered
The Landscape Architecture Program includes one curriculum: a three-year first professional degree (MLA III), and an Advanced Placement professional degree (MLA AP) leading towards one degree: a Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.).
Thesis is required for all Master of Landscape Architecture candidates. Thesis consists of 5 credit-hours of Theory and Research, and 6 credit-hours of Design/Thesis work.
The thesis research shall be directed by a member of the faculty, which also acts as the student’s graduate committee chairperson. The purpose of the thesis is to expose the student to a reasonable independent research experience that enhances his/her academic development. The student should prepare and carry out a structured and methodical study of pertinence to the profession. Publication of this work in journals, conference proceedings, and/or presentations will be strongly encouraged.
Curricular Sequence
The Master of Landscape Architecture focuses on landscape architecture design and theory within a studio-based curriculum.
In addition to the development of a strong foundation of traditional knowledge and skills, the program is committed to scholarship in its various forms, as a means of learning and serving diverse communities and individuals.
The breakdown of credit-hours for the MLA III and MLA AP offerings is as follows:
• For students enrolled in the first professional degree track, 58 credit-hours comprise core courses, 11 credit-hours Research and Thesis work, and 9 credit-hours elective courses, for a total of 78 credit-hours.
• For students enrolled in the advanced placement professional degree track, MLA AP, 37 credit-hours comprise core courses, 11 credit-hours Research and Thesis work, and 9 credit-hours elective courses, for a total of 57 credit-hours.